Membership Class

Next Class: March 30, 2025

When?: 5-8pm

Where?: Fellowship Hall at WRBC

Become a Member

The best way to get involved with our church is to join in membership. Being a member at a local church is simply how Christians meaningfully express their membership in the Church universal. As we join together, we make the gospel visible in our city and show what God is like. We would love for you to join us.

How to join

1. Membership Class

The membership class provides you with an opportunity for you to get to know who we are as a church. This class is taught in 3 sessions:

  • Why join a church?

  • What do we believe? (Statement of Faith)

  • How do we live out our faith together? (Church Covenant)

2. Membership Interview

Once you have attended the membership class, email Quinn to schedule a membership interview with one of our pastors and another church member. This provides us with an opportunity to hear your testimony and affirmation of the gospel and usually lasts about an hour.

3. Elder Recommendation

The elders review all membership applications at their regular elder meetings. With their collective approval, the application will be moved forward for a church vote.

4. Church Vote

At the following members’ meeting, the church will hear about your testimony and vote to receive you into membership. We invite all member candidates to attend this members’ meeting.