2025 Men’s Retreat

The Lord of Glory: Three Studies on the Glory of Jesus in Ephesians

Life is full of demands, distractions, and pressures that pull our attention in countless directions. But when we fix our eyes on the glory of Jesus, everything else fades in comparison. This year’s Men’s Retreat is an opportunity to step away from the busyness of life and refocus on Christ’s surpassing greatness as revealed in the book of Ephesians. Through rich teaching, worship, and fellowship, Nick Roark will lead us in three powerful sessions:

  • The Glorious Grace of Christ – Ephesians 2:1-10

  • The Glorious Love of Christ – Ephesians 3:14-21

  • The Glorious Power of Christ – Ephesians 6:10-20

Come be refreshed by God’s Word, His Spirit, and the company of brothers in Christ as we behold the glory of Jesus in salvation.

information packet

The information packet contains everything you need to know about this year’s retreat. Download it below for all the details!


This event will cost $60 and will cover your food and housing for the weekend. We would like to see every man attend, so if you need a scholarship, please reach out to Connor Stahl (finance@wornallroad.org). If you would like to donate more to help someone else's cost, please reach out to Connor. If you are only coming Friday night and not Saturday, you can pay half the retreat cost ($30).

further questions

If you have any questions about the retreat, contact Quinn at quinn@wornallroad.org. For inquiries about registration costs, reach out to finance@wornallroad.org.