important disclaimers
Thank you for submitting a request to use our building for your wedding day! Before you begin, please review the following information.
We only allow members of Wornall Road Baptist Church to get married in our building.
The approval of your request is contingent upon an Event Facilitator and Sound Tech being available for your wedding. Mandatory fees are $300 to the Church Facilitator, $200 to the Sound Tech, and $100 for the cleaning fee. While not mandatory, it is common courtesy to give the pastor overseeing the ceremony an honorarium of ~$300.
If approved, you are allowed to have your rehearsal in our building.
We do not host rehearsal dinners or receptions. No food is allowed in the building.
Next steps
Read the WRBC Wedding Policy in entirety before filling out this form.
Complete and submit this Wedding Request Form.
Your request will be reviewed by our Events Manager and submitted to the staff for review.
The Events Manager will notify you on the staff’s decision.
If approved, you will receive the contact information of your Church Facilitator, who will guide you through the entire process.